10 Things Midland Care Employees Love About Their Jobs
July 12, 2021

- I love patient care and being able to teach them and their loved ones when they need it the most.
- The hospice home care program can work with families and help them meet the needs of their loved ones and fulfill the dying family members’ last wishes. This is so gratifying to be able to be a part of each family’s life, I just fall so deep in love with my patients and their families.
- I love assisting people to get the help they need. I love seeing their health improve once they join PACE. I love the smiles on their faces and the laughter I hear when I see them in the center. There is nothing better than a hug from a participant knowing their life has changed for the better due to the help they are receiving.
- I love being able to help individuals stay at home as long as possible and provide a continuum of care with other Midland Care services when needed.
- The people I have the opportunity to work with are so inspirational to me. They are the most giving, caring, and dedicated folks. They are very skilled and we are fortunate to have them.
- I love the department I work in. We have always worked well together and acted as a family unit. I also love our participants. They are someone’s grandparent, parent, sibling, friend, and loved one. They each have a past and current story. I love that I can be a part of that.
- Midland Care Connection has the heart to help patients and families on the margins, whether by health status or socioeconomic status, when their healthcare needs are burdensome.
- I have seen people that would most likely have to go into a facility be able to stay safely at home. This has made a huge impact on their happiness.
- I love knowing that what I do every single day makes a difference in the client’s lives as well as the volunteer’s lives. Food is one of the most basic needs we have. Meals on Wheels provides that.
- I love getting to help individuals stay at home as long as possible through Thrive at Home and provide a continuum of care with other Midland services when needed.