Memory Tree 2023
The holidays can be hard when you are missing a loved one from your family traditions. Midland Care invites you to give them their own special time at our 2023 Memory Tree event. We will have four services on Sunday, December 10. All services will be held at our campus at 200 SW Frazier Circle, Topeka, KS.
This service will provide you with the opportunity to remember those we have lost in a special way. Your loved one does not have to have been served by Midland Care to be remembered. This event is also a fundraiser to provide care for those who seek our services without the financial means to pay for services.
We do ask that you RSVP for a service as space is limited.
Service Times:
Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 11:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 2:30 p.m., and 4:00 p.m.
Some services may be nearing capacity. Please call 785.232.2044 and ask for Development to find out more information.

Memory Tree Donation
All donations received will result in your loved one’s name being placed on a medallion on our Memory Tree. You can designate the campus you would like us to place their name.
Donations of $25.00 will receive the medallion with their name, and a luminary card will be placed in our Memory Garden at 200 SW Frazier Circle and lit each night from December 10, 2023 through January 1, 2024.
Donations of $50.00 or more will receive the medallion, the luminary, and a personalized sand-stone ornament. These ornaments will be available to pick up at the services.